My Profession

Now I am working as a career counsellor. In Germany there is vocational and career guidance (in German: Berufsberatung) a service by the Federal Department of Labor (in German: Bundesagentur fuer Arbeit; before 2004: Bundesanstalt fuer Arbeit), situated at the local employment office (in German: Agentur fuer Arbeit; before 2004: Arbeitsamt). In Germany we have a nearly unique system of vocational training. Many countries have a system of schools leading to an occupation. We have them too, and there are about 300 recognized and many more with only a school internal certificate. But the German special feature is a dual system of vocational education and training. We have approximately 400 occupations to learn by training in the company (in German: betriebliche Ausbildung) with alternating days in special schools for occupation theory (in German: Berufsschule). After two, three or three and a half years (it is fixed for every single occupation) the former trainees receive a diploma recognised by the state. In Germany it is very important to have such a diploma. Some occupations are allowed only to practise with such a degree. Beside we have the university education for professions like physician, lawyer, or others, too.

And my job is to give lessons in the classes one year before final examinations, to inform in parent meetings in the evening, to hold office hours at the schools and to have talks with single pupils for career counselling at the schools or at my office. I spend the most of my working time with the last point. To get information out of the business world I make many of visits at companies and factories, too.

Here you can visit some of the schools I look after:


If you are fluent in German, you can visit the homepage of the "Bundesagentur fuer Arbeit":

If you want, you can visit the German version of my page about profession, too:

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